Mobile Form Processes & Digital Docu­mentation

Smart collaboration for field service & back office teams: Streamline your business processes with mobile data capture via App – across teams with workflow stages, across platforms for all end devices & interfaces to third-party systems. GDPR compliant.

Large companies and public authorities are already using HybridForms® for their digital forms processes and mobile data capture – with focus on Public Safety & Police | Critical Infrastructure (CRITIS) | Energy Suppliers, Power Grid Operators & Public Utilities | Healthcare, Research & Social Care | Real Estate & Facility Management.
Digitally captured data is faster and more secure than paper forms – and can be processed immediately. Proven processes are accelerated & risks reduced. Field service and back office teams have more time to focus on for their core tasks.

Digital forms, dynamic checklists, mobile inspection documentation, maintenance protocols, acceptance reports, construction site diaries, quality controls, audits

HybridForms is the universal Enterprise Solution for Digital Forms Processes & Workflow:

Mobile data capture via App for Android, iOS, Windows & Web browser + Tablets, smartphones & all common end devices + Seamless online & offline operation + Optimal mobile usability + Interactive help functions + Intuitive operation + Universal application for different use cases.

Direct information flow between mobile use cases & central services:

Dynamic forms + Built-in logic/intelligence + Integrated workflow stages + Encrypted data transfer + Seamless integration into existing IT infrastructures + Interfaces & data exchange with third-party systems + Audit trail + Traceable documentation of processes.

Mobile forms and checklists with HybridForms

Enterprise-grade features for mobile data capture via App & smart collaboration in distributed teams

  • Workflow & Stages:
    Editing and completion of forms in stages by different users with different visibility
  • Data analysis & reports:
    Automated reports and interactive dashboards with live data from HybridForms & Business Intelligence
  • HybridForms ReachOut Server:
    Anonymous web forms for unregistered guest users and external self-service applications

  • On-premises Server / Cloud:
    Run HybridForms on your own servers or in your Microsoft Azure Cloud/SQL
  • Integration & interfaces to third-party systems:
    Data exchange with existing third-party systems such as CRM, SAP, ERP, Case Management …

  • Secure data:
    End-to-end encryption, integration of your user rights systems (AD/ADFS/EntraID), Audit Trail
DFMG Deutsche Funkturm: Klaus Runde

»We first used HybridForms to digitize our acceptance checklists. The speed and professionalism with which icomedias implemented our requirements was outstanding. The very good usability of HybridForms in the field was also the initial spark for many other form implementations and has additionally inspired us in other digitization projects.«

Klaus Runde, Vice President IT Products, DFMG Deutsche Funkturm GmbH | Germany
Ralf Stoll, Saarland Police

»We gain time and quality through the immediate, simple and intuitive recording on site using tablets and smartphones. We can avoid multiple entries, and our colleagues are inspired by the technology. In short: HybridForms is flexible, simple, and reliable!«

Thomas Steinbrucker, Asfinag

»HybridForms is one of the essential pillars of our ASFINAG Infrastructure Management Tools and enables us to execute and process tasks assigned to ASFINAG Asset Management involving structural inspections. In the process, road availability can now be determined very flexibly on location using tablets – and in the office as well, using desktop equipment.«

Thomas Steinbrucker, Engineering – Asset Manager, ASFINAG Service GmbH | Austria
Daniel Zink, Energie Steiermark

»When replacing gas meters, we were able to optimize the administrative process by 60% through digitization with HybridForms and achieve court-proof digital documentation of the system status for more operational safety.«

DI (FH) Daniel Otto Zink, Technical Operation of Gas Pipe Systems, Energienetze Steiermark GmbH | Austria
Marc Oertle, Spital STS AG

»HybridForms helps us to take another step on the way to becoming a paperless hospital. Over time, we have added more and more mobile processes that we were able to digitize ourselves with this system.«

Dr Marc Oertle, Senior doctor of medicine and medical informatics at Thun Hospital, Spital STS AG | Switzerland
Norbert Tripolt, Medical University of Graz

»For our multi-center study project, we were looking for an electronic CRF system that allows intuitive work, follows a logical structure and is easy to use for the study staff. In addition, the system had to comply with the specified regulations (monitoring, audit trail, role functions, data export). HybridForms was able to meet these requirements to our complete satisfaction.«

Dr Norbert Tripolt, Clinical Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Medical University of Graz | Austria

Accelerate your form processes.